Saturday, August 29, 2009

Back from La Palma: Part III

Wednesday: Although there were big plans to visit the South of the island to hike around some volcanoes, then head to lunch, and then swim and play at another beach... we all got a late start on the day and spent too much time playing and wandering around the Villas.

We still headed South, but the lead car decided to go straight to the beach and skip the hiking. As luck would have it, the boys fell asleep in the car just as we arrived, so Jaime and I stayed with them while everyone else went down to the beach. I did finally convince Jaime to head down and take a quick swim before the boys woke up and it was time for lunch.

The Beach:

We planned to have lunch at the small bar/cafe on the cliff above the beach, but the wait was too long and it wasn't quite toddler friendly. So...we headed back to a Bodega carved right into the hillside that we passed earlier in the day. There was a small wait there as well, and we didn't eat lunch until nearly 4:30, but it was worth it. After such a late lunch, we all returned back to the apartment for a swim and then the boys were off to bed...

The Bodega:

On Thursday some of the guys were going to go spear fishing in the morning, and then we were suppose to have lunch (the loot from the fishing expedition) with one of Jaime's cousins that lives on La Palma...unfortunately, both Jaime's brother and sister woke up with different ailments, but feeling horrible. So, the plans were called off and each family sort of did their own thing. We didn't do much to speak of except hang around the Villas and then head into the town of El Paso for some groceries (it was our turn to cook dinner) and a little wandering around to look at the beautifully decorated town.

After lots of rest and medication, everyone was ready to go again by Friday. The two other families headed out earlier to fish and visit with cousins, while Jaime and I left a little later hoping the boys might nap on the drive up. The roads were so curvy and there were so many tunnels, that I don't think the boys even considered napping. They LOVED going through all the tunnels, each time asking for more "nunnels."

Part of the beautiful drive of steep mountains and deep ravines:

Eventually we met up with the rest of the group and followed them through amazing amounts of banana trees to the family cave. The yellow arrow points to where the cave is located: (click on it)

The cave is in a sort of "neighborhood" of caves and began many many years ago with Pedro's (Jaime's cousin) grandfather who started using the "cubby" as a fisherman's storage of sorts. Over time, they built it up and it evolved into a one bedroom abode complete with a dining table, a kitchen, electricity and running water (but no bathroom). No one actually lives here full time, it's more of a short term stay kind of place.

We all trekked down to the cave and hung out while mainly Pedro prepared a delicious meal of seafood, potatoes, and wine. The older kids played in the bedroom and closely around the area. Our guys were mostly confined to the dining room and the front porch. The ocean was just a bit too rough and too close for comfort.

Since the Ocean wasn't fit for swimming from the cave on this particular day, Pedro guided us to a grouping of man made ocean pools nearby. Everyone went for a refreshing swim except for the boys and me. I wasn't hot enough to want to swim and I just didn't want to get everyone's swim gear on for such a short visit. The boys enjoyed wandering around and looking at the fish. We only stayed for a little while and then had to head back to get the boys off to bed...with such an interesting day and no nap, they fell asleep almost as soon as we drove away.

Next Up:
Our last full day
on La Palma

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